GAe - decaf espresso

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To ensure freshness, all orders received by Sunday 23:00 h are roasted on Monday and shipped on Tuesday.


GAe - decaf espresso - medium roast 

This coffee is quite milk chocolaty with cocoa flavors and a touch of red grape. It's super nice for caffeine free milk mixed drinks! This is where its almond, nougat, coconut and marzipan notes start to show. Enjoy your coffee - now even in the evening hours.

For the decaffeination process we have chosen the CO2 method. The advantage of this method is that the least aromas are lost through this process. The CO2 used is recycled and can be reused. For more information on decaffeination please scroll down.


Flavour profile:

Milk chocolate, red grape, cocoa, cinnamon, notes of red wine and molasses. A full body, complex, a lot of sweetne sand super low on acidity.

As a Flat White: Mild, milk chocolaty, almondy with hints of cinnamon, nougat and a breath of coconut and marzipan.


Brewing advice for a double espresso on portafilter machines:

  • Coffee grounds: 18 g / 0,63 oz
  • Water temp: 94 °C / 201,2 °F
  • Shot time: 30 sec
  • Beverage weight: 36 g / 1,27 oz



    • Distribute grounds evenly to avoid channeling.
    • Use filtered water for better results.
    • Beans should degas 6 days from the roast date.


    More info on this coffee:

    • Region: Nariño, Colombia
    • Growing altitude: 1.850 m.a.s.l.
    • Arabica variety: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
    • Milling process: washed, Sugar Cane (EA Decaf)
    • Producer: Promotora Cafe de Altura
    • Acidity: lively but smooth


    The town of Buesaco lies high on a ridge in the Andes Mountains of the Nariño department in Colombia. Promotora Cafe de Altura has its offices, cupping lab, and warehouses here, where the coop collects coffees from smallholders whose farms are tucked into the slopes surrounding the town. The cooperative works with more than 300 smallholders farmers all over the Nariño department who generally harvest coffee all year around. Here at the co-op’s facilities, lots are analyzed and purchased, and the farmers are paid premiums on top of the market price. These premiums incentivize high quality standards.

    Cooperativa de Cafés Especiales de Nariño cups coffees throughout harvest delivery to build lots that are uniform and consistent in bean size and cup profile. This decaffeinated coffee consists of small batches of beans from farms around the Galeras Volcano. This coffee was decaffeinated using the sugar cane process, also known as the Ethyl Acetate (EA) process, which are essentially the same. 


    How exactly does the sugar cane decaffeination the work?

    Ethyl acetate is produced by esterification between ethyl alcohol, derived from the fermentation of sugar cane, and acetic acid. The green coffee is submerged in a wash of water and ethyl acetate, during which the ethyl acetate bonds with the caffeine in the coffee and begins to extract it from the green seeds. The EA solution is flushed, and the process is repeated until reaching a decaffeination level of at least 97%. Finally, the green coffee is steamed to remove any remaining ethyl acetate from the seeds.

    The key advantage of this method is that it’s marketed as “natural” because the solvent (ethyl acetate) is derived from natural sources such as sugar cane, making it an environmentally friendly and non-toxic option compared to other chemical decaffeination methods.


    For your planning please note: To ensure freshness, all orders received by Sunday 23:00 h are roasted on Monday and shipped on Tuesday.

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